Friday, May 1, 2009

religion vs religion

this is a great discussion about religion between two people that couldn't be farther apart on the political scale.... both have have a solid argument about religion...

i don't agree with bill maher about the idea the science and rationality should persuade us more the religious belief but i can say that i do agree when bill talks about religion is a bureaucracy with man...
one more thing bill says well if you were born in pakastan that you wouldnt be rasied christan. that point to me is very true and interesting becuase in christianity you must believe in god and jesus christ to be accepted in heave but what about religions that believe in a god but not the same god i believe in... that question is deep and must be hard to answer it may take a life time for me to have a rational answer but maybe someone else can help me

but i think that religion is a community where people can come together and everyone believe in a basic idea of a certain religion and that it does have a purpose in today society and hopefully in the future too.. i cant imagine when I'm 70 years old and more people believe in Scientology over Protestant or Catholicism that to me would be disappointing but we will see

here is another web site of bill maher on religion

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Maher makes some strong statements but I have to think so of this is because the media considers things more interesting when people are arguing rather than discussing. I think Maker does however make a good point when he says if you were born in Pakistan you probably wouldn't be a christian. This point also makes it tricky in my mind when Christians say to get into heaven you must believe in god, but what about the people born in places where Christianity isn't. Can they simply believe it the concept of a god and similar ideals like love your neighbor? Anyway, if you are interested in the religion vs. no religion battle you should check out more of Sam Harris that we watched in class. His link is on my blog.
