Our biography of Baha'ullah details the life of a man who would become the founder for of the Bahia. By the end of chapter 4 we see that there is a group known as the Bahia's. Write about what you see as the elements that go into founding a new religion.. Is it a sudden change or a long process? What is the relationship with past religions? What is the importance of a founder?
the process of establishing a religion doesn't happen over night the Bahia's went through many changes in location from Iraq to turkey Istanbul edime then to Egypt. i think that Bahia's had trouble finding and establishing a location because they wanted to find a place where people and their culture accept their beliefs. as far as what is needed to found a new religion is usually turmoil or discomfort in a set of belief that have taking place in a culture or society and a person or group of people want reform or change. this reminds me of happy feet where change and reform was not accepted by others. hence why the change in so many venues occurred until a place is found where the religion can be accepted and flourish.
this video gave my a better understanding of Baha'ullah and the basis for Bahia religion i better understand how difficult it was for him to do this spending most of his time in exile and trying to start this fascinating new religion. the ways that people sacrifice in life for what they believe in is an extraordinary when he could of gave up and gone home he persevered and pushed through that is a true testimony to ones character
watch this video it gave me goose bumps
I've used this one in some Feasts and gatherings.