Thursday, May 28, 2009
this video i found on YouTube i was just looking for anything for this weeks open blog and i stumbled on this video and i really like it. if i could have made this video for our visual blog it would have been perfect . i like how the combined the people interviews with the sideshow of picture. it was well made.
this video puts religion into perspective.. they use the word compassion alot... and it fits appropriately with the message that the a trying to get across to the world. no matter what religion a person is or what race compassion and tolerance for one another is what will bring the world together in harmony. they also talk about the Golden rule "treat other how you want to be treated" if everyone did this we would have no problems. i understand the is a high reaching goal and it is most likely never to happen. but if you are to reach for a goal might as well reach for the top instead of doing only half.
also i was having a discussion with someone else and i showed them this video he commented by saying would you have compassion for extreme religion that kill people for their religion. and that question is tuffy at this point I'm not sure of how to deal with that so i will as that question to who ever reads this what would you do
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
a new religion

this video gave my a better understanding of Baha'ullah and the basis for Bahia religion i better understand how difficult it was for him to do this spending most of his time in exile and trying to start this fascinating new religion. the ways that people sacrifice in life for what they believe in is an extraordinary when he could of gave up and gone home he persevered and pushed through that is a true testimony to ones character
watch this video it gave me goose bumps
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
this is a side note...... sorry if you don't like it.. i don't care....check out this video i know it might not be appropriate... but none the less it is funny.... haaaa haaaa haaa haaa. i know in the rasifarian culture is cool to smoke weed but.. at the same time i dont view a religion to promote those sort of things. honestly if your 12 year old kid.. says hey mom i want to be Rastafarian.. and the kid is sitting in his living room rolling a joint and then smokes it....... is that a religion that you would let your child have..
don't take this out of contexts and I'm trying to hypocritical, sorry if i offended anyone.
the video was very different from what i expected.. comparing it to bob Marley. for instance they wake up at 3 in the morning that is a little different. i don't believe Marley would enjoy that also it seem that they are more conservative than the normal Rastafarian belief. comparing the people in this video to Marley it would seem that they are much more traditional then the norm. also the bible passages or the bible lessons on the trees to remind the people as they walk the village is also unique.
the system of symbols in this video include what they wear as turbine the clothing solid and colors red green black and gold. also they smoke the ganja for meditation purposes. a couple of interesting things in this video they talk about black supremacy and they show a sign that says black over white good over evil... i don't take this symbol literally for all circumstances but you cant have equality for all people (another one of their signs) if you don't except all races. more so then not the Rastafarian religion shown in this video is very spiritual and there is nothing wrong with a religion that has a strong traditional background and does not harm other people that religion is good for human kind
Friday, May 15, 2009
bob marley

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009
religion vs religion
i don't agree with bill maher about the idea the science and rationality should persuade us more the religious belief but i can say that i do agree when bill talks about religion is a bureaucracy with man...
one more thing bill says well if you were born in pakastan that you wouldnt be rasied christan. that point to me is very true and interesting becuase in christianity you must believe in god and jesus christ to be accepted in heave but what about religions that believe in a god but not the same god i believe in... that question is deep and must be hard to answer it may take a life time for me to have a rational answer but maybe someone else can help me
but i think that religion is a community where people can come together and everyone believe in a basic idea of a certain religion and that it does have a purpose in today society and hopefully in the future too.. i cant imagine when I'm 70 years old and more people believe in Scientology over Protestant or Catholicism that to me would be disappointing but we will see
here is another web site of bill maher on religion