Thursday, April 9, 2009

You know, it amazes me that there are religious wars in our world. I really just do not understand why they happen. I also wonder if those involve realize that until or if it ever happens that a real "God" is found that the killings are going to continue. Palestine and Israel have been going on with their religious fight for way too long. The only thing that is going to happen is that more people are going to die and the fight will continue to rage on. I just do not understand how people could kill just because someone else does not believe in the same thing they do. Religions are there to give people something to believe in. They give them a way of dealing with the things they cannot explain or cannot deal with. But i do understand that people with a religious background do fight in wars, but i assume there a fighting the war for other reason than not agreeing with the oppositions beliefs, instead for reason like being patriotic or a draft.


  1. One of the problem goes back to that definition of religion we got. The whole thing is meant to be "uniquely realistic" for those involved. Once they've bought into a religious system, anyone who participates in a different one is by definition following a lie. The very act of believing in a religion makes it almost impossible to see someone else's view without losing one's own faith.

  2. I agree. Religion does give people something to believe in, but unfortunately that belief sometimes includes the importance of pushing it on other people or seeing one religion as more "legitimate" or "better" than others.

    While it does often inspire people to live their lives in a way which has a positive affect on them or on the world, sometimes this religious passion can lead to acting in a negative or violent way towards others. Religion becomes a justification, and I think this type of thinking is dangerous.

  3. Although to my mind Israel/Palestine is not a religious war. It is a political controversy that makes use of religious symbols. Same thing could be said for Northern Ireland and the Catholics and Protestants. But just because Catholics and Protestants are fighting there does not mean they will fight everywhere.. which should make us suspicious of the "religious" base.

    I think your post could be expanded some..
