in psalm 18 David is asking god to protect him from his enemies (a rock to hid behind). Also David ask god for help because his enemies are coming for David and when god answers David god comes down and destroys the enemies of David. the reason why god answers David call is that David is righteous his hands are clean he obeyed the rules of the god and did no evil and did not turn away from God. then David talks about how everything that he owns come from god that god gave him nations to rule because David is pure and believed in god and because of this god made David king to rule over these nation that god gave him. the image of god in this psalm reminds me of the cliche god is fire and brimstone. but i do not see anything wrong with this portrayel of god. i believe that god created us and has the right to do what he pleases with us. and if u look closely towards the end of the psalm you will see other people crying out for gods help but he does not reply because not everyone recives gods help if u look in the new testiment in the bookof mathew Remember the words of Jesus: Not everyone that calls me Lord will go to heaven. Only those that obey my Father (God)
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